Privacy Policy

 I. General Terms

A. Fundamental Principle

Protecting our customers’ privacy and handling personal data with care are top priorities for Montech.

We adhere to relevant data protection laws, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR), and country-specific regulations.

This Privacy Policy outlines how Montech AG (referred to as “Montech”) collects and processes personal data through its websites and applications (“Website/Tools”).

Personal data (“data”) refers to information that identifies a person, such as name, date of birth, address, contact details, and IP address.

Section I covers general data protection information, Section II addresses data collection and processing related to our services, and Section III details other instances of data collection and processing.

B. Website Use and Cookies

You can browse the Montech website and access product information without revealing personal data. We only request such data when necessary for our services (see Section II, Part A).

To ensure proper website functionality, we sometimes place “Cookies” on your device. These are small text files that websites store on your hard drive. Cookies help us analyze user behavior and customize website content.

Cookies also remember your preferences (e.g., login details, language) across sessions, enhancing your browsing experience.

Our system uses cookies to automatically gather technical information (e.g., browser type, IP address) when you visit our website, aiding in analytics and improving our services.

We utilize Google Analytics cookies to analyze website usage. Google may transfer this data to third parties as required by law.

You have full control over cookie usage; you can disable or limit them through your browser settings. Note that restricting cookies may impact website functionality.

C. Social Network Plugins

We incorporate social plugins (e.g., Like-Button) from various providers directly into our pages. These plugins are operated by their respective companies and transmit content to your browser independently.

D. Customer Data Storage

We store personal data as necessary for our services and as required by law.

For legal and accounting purposes, we retain customer data for 10 years after the last processing operation. Other data is stored as needed to fulfill contracts and protect our rights.

E. Data Security

We employ appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard personal data, storing it securely on protected servers. Our website is protected against loss, manipulation, and unauthorized access.

While we take precautions, we cannot guarantee data security. It’s your responsibility to back up and secure your data and create strong passwords.

F. Customer Rights

You have the right to access, correct, delete, and transfer your data, as well as restrict processing.

Objections to data processing will be honored for future operations. However, terminating services due to objection may result in contract termination and associated costs.

For inquiries or to exercise your rights, contact Montech (details in Section G). You can also file complaints with the appropriate regulatory authority.

G. Contact Information

For questions regarding this Privacy Policy or data protection at Montech, contact: Montech AG Data Protection Officer Gewerbestrasse 12 4552 Derendingen Switzerlandinfo@montech.comwww.montech.comTel. +41 32 681 55 00

H. Updates

We regularly review and update our Privacy Policy. Significant changes will be communicated, e.g., on our website/tools.

II. Personal Data Processing for Business Services

A. Purpose of Data Processing

We collect and process personal data to provide our business services, including quotes, order processing, invoicing, communication, marketing, and website/tool activities.

B. Data Sharing with Third Parties

Personal data may be shared with third parties as necessary for service provision or as required by law.

III. Application Scenarios

A. Profile

  1. Profile Purpose

Create and manage your profile to streamline ordering, product configuration, and access to services like CAD data downloads and offers.

  1. Profile Data Collection

We collect personal data (name, contact info) during profile setup. Additional information (payment method, address) is required for order fulfillment.

  1. Data Sharing

Data shared in your profile may be processed within Montech and shared with designated third parties for profile management.

  1. Marketing and Personalization

Data from your profile may be used for marketing, offers, and personalized content.

  1. Profile Deletion

You can request profile deletion at any time, after which personal data will be deleted or anonymized.

B. Newsletters

Stay informed about Montech products and offers via newsletters.

You can opt out at any time without affecting profile usage.

C. Customer Service

Receive periodic emails regarding order status and offers.

You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time.

D. Live Chat Service

Get online assistance via live chat. Montech may access certain data to assist you.

E. Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Participate in surveys to improve products and services.

F. Deliveries/Transportation

Third-party companies handle product transportation using personal contact data provided.

G. Job Applications

Personal data submitted with job applications is processed for recruitment purposes only.

Derendingen, 01.10.2023